Steering Group executive summary, action items, and minutes

Date: Thursday March 5, 2020

Attended: Franklin Feingold, Melanie Ganz, Guiomar Niso, Robert Oostenveld

Executive Summary

We reviewed the action items from the previous two meetings. We discussed the framework for the BIDS community slides and how this information can be formatted and designed for future extensions and derived versions. We will draft an approach for organizing BIDS related meetings to pilot at NRM and OHBM in June.

We also have a list of channels to share BIDS related information on. The have a plan for handling non-BIDS related information on our channels is to share on our google group.

The attending members of the Steering Group gave approval for moving forward with completing the Genetic Information BEP. This will solidify the process for incorporating BEPs moving forward. The process will be: 1) merging in the BEP constructed examples to BIDS-examples, 2) merge the validator extension into BIDS-validator, and 3) merge the BEP into BIDS-specification

The Steering Group gave direction on handling author lists on Zenodo - make it a single author: “BIDS Contributors Group” as defined in the governance document.

Action Items

Action Item
GN: draft tweets for OHBMX twitter presentation
Write INCF to determine if they have a list of related standard initiatives
Initialize Google Slides to start iterating on our BIDS community slides
Draft specification vs ecosystem for website-about section
Guidelines for organizing a BIDS information session
Draft BIDS interest group information and process
Codify rules for making a repository under the BIDS standard GitHub organization
Share Steering Meeting: executive summary, action items, and minutes to bids-website
