API Documentation

All functions described here can be imported from the eeg_positions package.

Compute and plot standard EEG electrode positions.

The find_point_at_fraction() function contains the key algorithm for computing the standard EEG electode positions on a sphere. You will most likely not need to use this function in your code directly, but it is still made available over the API and the documentation for its key role in the code.

find_point_at_fraction(p1, p2, p3, frac)

Find a point on an arc spanned by three points.

The practically most useful functions are listed below. These will help you to get the electrode positions you need in a usable format

get_elec_coords([system, elec_names, ...])

Get standard EEG electrode coordinates.


Get a list of electrode names for which positions are available.


Get a mapping from electrode names to their aliases.

Finally, the eeg_positions package also exposes a convenient function for visualizing electrode positions.

plot_coords(coords[, scatter_kwargs, ...])

Plot standard EEG electrode coordinates.