

Get a mapping from electrode names to their aliases.

Some electrode positions have multiple names (aliases), depending on the convention that was used to name them. With this function, electrodes that are typically not part of the 10-20, 10-10, or 10-05 namespace are mapped to their alias within these systems.


A dictionary mapping electrode names to a list of alias names. The keys are electrode names that are not in the 10-05 namespace, but they map to values that are in that namespace. However, see also “Notes” below.


Some electrodes do not have a direct alias but an approximately corresponding position. For example “A1” corresponds to the “LPA” position with some (x, y, z) offset in the coordinate system. These positions are returned with a mapping like: {"name": "alias+(x, y, z)"}.


>>> alias_mapping = get_alias_mapping()
>>> alias_mapping["M1"]
>>> alias_mapping["A1"]
'LPA+(-0.1, -0.01, -0.01)'

Examples using eeg_positions.get_alias_mapping

Get specific electrodes and use aliases

Get specific electrodes and use aliases